I was given a tiny 6 x6 inch sketch book, it is perfect for commuting. I've been doing my own sketch game called "the station hop," where I only have a few seconds to draw a train stop and work on it till the next stop. It's a fun game. There is also all those fellow commuters to sketch.

I've carried the tiny sketch book to class and drew my students as they draw from models. I found drawing the students more interesting than drawing the models, recording this moment as the semester is nearly over and I would like to remember these classes.

And small sketches of Cookie sleeping.

© Heidi Younger
I bloody love it. Now thats what i'm talking about. I soon as I clicked onto the top image I knew something was up. All the sketchbook stuff is great, It's going to have a profound affect on your work and I look forward to seeing more. Did I mention I love it.
wowza Stephen, Thanks! I suppose I never show really rough stuff - having something to do with regular illustration style, however, I am intergrating pure drawing into my illu. work as well as, all those printmaking textures. Thanks again, and btw YOUR Blog rocks!
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