
Figure Drawing ... a continuation

From yesterday's class. Although I wasn't too happy with the model, as she didn't create interesting poses, nor was she able to hold the simplest poses. I later learned she was new to modeling, I'll cut her slack. She just needs practice. But when she muttered in my direction "make my belly smaller" I was livid. Well, not really I just realized where it was coming, and continued to enlarge her belly...

I felt the need to create boxes to define the space. Jeff Fisher loaned me the book Picasso's Vollard Suite, which are 100 Picasso etchings which I did have the great pleasure of seeing last year at the Met. These drawing are influenced by that collection.

Sunday's drawing sessions are saving me big time as during the week this semester at the end of the day I am too exhausted to draw. More of a mental exhaustion, this is the most classes I've taught at one given time and keeping it organized is the challenge. I do love all the classes I teach, and have some pretty nice students.

From two weeks ago. One of our more favorite models. I thought I'd include them.

I have been sticking to ink wash, next week it's going to be all about paint. Where volume is key and linear usage will be taking a back seat.
© Heidi Younger

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