
Migratory birds

Over a billion migratory birds will be dangerously effected by the Gulf's oil mess. These birds are innocent victims by our lust for oil. Their populations are sharply decreasing.

Birds know no boundaries. They know only freedom and the pathways their species has journeyed for many generations. Migratory birds passing through the gulf from Canada to central South America will be facing this oil spill. Just a stop for a fish meal can result in their death.
I've been a huge bird lover and this pains me. Living so far from the effected area, we tend not to really think about it, but when we stop seeing coastal birds we'll know why. Roughly a decade ago West Nile Fever ravaged the crow population in the NYC, Long Island area. Their presence was gone, until very recently when slowly some have come back. I know nature some how survive, but there can be huge gaps without a species.

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sheree boyd said...

lovely illo heidi! very sad as well...humans will only learn when we start to die off due to the destruction we do to the planet. i am always reminded of the saying, when the krill die so goeth the whale. :(

sheree boyd said...

lovely illo heidi! very sad as well...humans will only learn when we start to die off due to the destruction we do to the planet. i am always reminded of the saying, when the krill die so goeth the whale. :(

Nathalie said...

Wow this is powerful! It's so beautiful visually yet so sad!